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Florida’s Minimum Wage Will Increase On January 1, 2017

October 20, 2016 Labor & Employment Blog Wage and Hour

On January 1, 2017, Florida’s minimum wage will increase from $8.05 an hour to $8.10 an hour. Even though many employers are currently focused on getting ready for the December 1, 2016, increase in the minimum salary requirement for most white-collar exemptions, they should not overlook the increase in the minimum wage to be paid to their non-exempt workers. Failing to pay non-exempt employees Florida’s statutory minimum wage can result claims against employers pursuant to section 24, Article X of the State Constitution and section 448.110, Florida Statutes. The tip credit that can be taken by Florida employers with tipped employees will remain the same, but the direct wage paid to tipped employees will increase from $5.03 to $5.08.

In addition, to raising the minimum wage, Florida employers are required to post a minimum wage notice in a conspicuous and accessible location. You can download the 2017 Florida Minimum Wage Notice from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s website. This notice requirement is in addition to the requirement that employers post regarding the federal minimum wage. There are commercially available Florida specific “all in one posters” that satisfy both the federal and state notice requirements. The 2017 “all in one” posters should be available in the near future.

Jennifer Fowler-Hermes