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Can Your Estate Plan Become More Effective if You Use an Holistic Approach Unique to Your Own Family’s Goals?

May 26, 2015 Business & Tax Blog Estate Tax

Estate Planning is hard for many reasons—from discomfort with death to difficult family dynamics. It is made harder by complicated tax laws and documents. Too often, in estate planning, the focus is solely on tax planning without considering the impact of the planning upon the family or incentivizing the type of behavior that is desired to act as an extension of the client’s system of values.

We try to make estate planning easier and more effective through a holistic approach, which entails sophisticated tax planning tailored to a client’s objectives for his or her family. To learn more, review these materials from our recent presentation at The World MoneyShow Orlando© conference:

View Presentation Here

Ric Gregoria

Rose-Anne B. Frano