New rules aim to prevent the catastrophe of the 2017 Hurricane Season. Beryl, Chris, and Debby are the names of the next three tropical storms this season. The first named tropical storm, Alberto, recently moved through Florida causing heavy rainfall, but largely spared buildings and human lives. The National Oceanic…
Related: Health Law
Clear FilterThe senior living industry is growing exponentially as “baby boomers” hit retirement age. With Florida leading the nation in its percentage of residents 65 and older, projections indicate that by 2030 about 25 percent of Florida’s population will be seniors (according to data from Florida’s Office of Economic and Demographic…
A NLRB Christmas Story
If the NLRB is Santa, then Santa just left employers a Millennium Falcon under the Christmas tree. One day after issuing two well-received pro-employer decisions, the NLRB overruled one of its most detested decisions from the last eight years, E.I. du Pont de Nemours, 364 NLRB No. 113 (2016), that…
A recent Family and Medical Leave Act case decided by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals offers some clarity on one of the most challenging aspects of administering FMLA, the dreaded intermittent leave. Intermittent leave is when an employee takes leave on an intermittent basis or a reduced schedule when…
The Supreme Court has issued its opinion in King v. Burwell, the much-anticipated case regarding whether Affordable Care Act subsidies are available to purchasers of insurance on the Federal Exchange or whether the plain language of the Act restricted such subsidies to only those purchasing insurance through an “Exchange established…