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A NLRB Christmas Story

December 18, 2017 Labor Relations

If the NLRB is Santa, then Santa just left employers a Millennium Falcon under the Christmas tree. One day after issuing two well-received pro-employer decisions, the NLRB overruled one of its most detested decisions from the last eight years, E.I. du Pont de Nemours, 364 NLRB No. 113 (2016), that…

The NLRB’s Holiday Gift to Employers

December 15, 2017 Labor Relations

The new General Counsel for the NLRB recently issued a memorandum explaining that the NLRB would be moving swiftly to review several of the more controversial, and arguably anti-employer, decisions issued in the last eight years. On December 14, thirteen days later, on the third night of Hanukkah, nine days…

The U.S.-Japan Income Tax Treaty

December 13, 2017 International Tax

Japan has long been one of the United States’ largest trading partners. Japan is also one of the United States’ longest-standing tax treaty partners. The first U.S.-Japan income tax treaty was concluded in 1954. Updated treaties were signed in 1971 and 2003, and a protocol in 2013 further modernized the…