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2704 Regulations Explained: Proposed Rules Are Set to Further Expand Value Differences between Family-Controlled Entities and Other Companies

September 28, 2016 2704 Regulations

The IRS is focused on reducing valuation discounts associated with transfers of interests in family-controlled businesses, but this focus will result in family members being deemed to receive a different value than non-family members. This also means that an appraiser will be required to establish two different values based on…

What Do Estate Tax Laws in Other Countries Tell Us About the Presidential Candidates’ Proposals?

September 26, 2016 Estate Tax

Under current law, the federal government imposes a 40% estate tax to the extent an individual’s estate exceeds a $5.45 million exemption. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump advocates eliminating the tax. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton previously proposed reducing the exemption to $3.5 million and increasing the tax rate to…