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Force Majeure and the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 20, 2020 Contracts

Uncertain times lead to unanticipated concerns, and we grapple for clarity where none seems to exist. The most obvious question on many agents’ (and clients’) minds is whether the “Force Majeure” provision of the FAR/BAR contract allows a party to cancel. In a word, no, at least not initially. Section…

Money in the Middle

February 15, 2020 Transactions

It can be a funny feeling, finding yourself stuck in the middle… The middle of the road. The middle of the night. The middle of nowhere. Or, for a transaction broker, that perfectly legal place: the middle of the deal. Representing both sides puts the agent smack-dab at the intersection…

Would You Like Fries with That?

January 15, 2020 Title Insurance

We’ve all been there: that crucial moment of decision when faced with an option that can add cost (Leather upholstery? Carpeted floor mats? V-8 engine?), and even calories (French fries? An extra scoop of ice cream? Bearnaise sauce?). Thanks to the US government’s consumer protection regulations, buyers who finance their homes…