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Tax Reform Swings a Hand Ax at Carried Interests; What Does it Mean and How Can I Plan Around It?

November 17, 2017 Compensatory Property Transfers

While tax reform has a long march before becoming law, the amended House of Representatives bill passed yesterday swings an ax at lower-tax-rate-capital-gain-eligible “carried” partnership interests, though it swings a smaller ax—like a hand ax rather than a full-sized ax—than proposals in years past. This latest proposal focuses on limited…

Section 1059A – A Trap for the Unwary?

November 13, 2017 Tax Policy

Our community is near multiple major ports, including Port Manatee and the Port of Tampa. Taxpayers that import goods through these ports should be aware of U.S. tax issues that can arise from their actions. U.S. taxpayers that import goods from related parties outside the United States have several tax…