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Employment Law Update

October 19, 2011 Labor & Employment

Reducing Unemployment Compensation Payouts Recent revisions to Florida’s Unemployment Compensation law should result in the payment of fewer employee claims, and, presumably, lower unemployment taxes for employers. The change applies to terminations occurring after June 27, 2011. Generally, the Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation denies unemployment benefit claims only when…

Florida Updates Power of Attorney Laws

October 19, 2011 Trusts & Estates

A power of attorney is a key component of a comprehensive estate plan. In general, a power of attorney allows a person (a “principal”) to appoint someone to act on his or her behalf (an “agent”) with respect to the management of the principal’s property and financial affairs. A power…

Historic Designation: What it Means to Homeowners

October 19, 2011 Tax

The protection of historic buildings and sites occurs primarily at the local level. Most local governments have enacted a historic preservation ordinance tailored to meet the needs of the particular community. The ordinance will often establish a historic preservation program aimed at protecting buildings and sites deemed worthy of preservation….

Estate Tax Relief in the 2010 Act

December 21, 2010 Tax

December 21, 2010 – In January we advised you that the federal estate tax was repealed for deaths occurring in 2010 and that the federal generation-skipping transfer (“GST”) tax was repealed for testamentary and lifetime transfers occurring in 2010. We also highlighted certain planning opportunities that appeared to exist in…